RLCkidz includes children in Preschool (3 years) to Fifth Grade. It’s during our time together that we form a special bond in faith and learn more about God. RLCkidz lays the foundation for a lifetime of learning and loving the Bible. It’s about including the whole family. It’s about discovering who we are as people. But most importantly, it’s about strengthening our faith in Christ through Service, Fellowship and Education.

This is where strong, healthy relationships start!

Children's Church  & Sunday Morning Youth Classes

Children's Church is a time when children are invited to head to a classroom just prior to the sermon starting to attend their own kid friendly worship. During this time your child will enjoy a short message, games, music and crafts. The purpose of the time is to teach young children the value and purpose of worship.

Sunday School classes are offered to ages 3 to high school with age appropriate lessons that include music, crafts and Bible story discussions for younger children and deeper small group discussions for older students. The time is from 9:45-10:45am every Sunday. Please see below the room locations for each grade:

  • Preschool -Room 101.  
  • K to 2nd grade  - Room 110.  Taught by Elizabeth Spadea and Kristen Hepburn
  • 3rd-5th grade - Room 111.  Taught by Caycee Hunter and Allyson Hampton
  • 6th-8th grade - Community room. Taught by Theresa Richardson
  • High school (grades 9-12)  - Youth Room.  Taught by Brittany Thormodson


    children's ministry COORDINATOR

    For more information please contact Lindsey Ldouglas@redeemerric.org

  • Kristen Hepburn

    k-2nd grades

  • Elizabeth Spadea

    K-2nd grades

  • Allyson Hampton

    3rd-5th grades

  • caycee hunter

    3rd-5th grade

  • Theresa Richardson

    6th-8th grades