External Ministries
Serving the Community
Card Ministry
Redeemer’s Card writing ministry sends cards to our members and friends who could use some extra love or encouragement. If you know someone who could use a handwritten note, please send their name, address and a brief description of their situation to care@redeemerric.org and our team will see that they receive it!
Christmas Giving Tree
Each Christmas season RLC "adopts" several families-in-need. RLC members have the opportunity to make Christmas list wishes come true by purchasing gifts for these families.
Food Pantry
Through the Chesterfield Colonial Heights Alliance for Social Ministry (CCHASM), each week Redeemer donates food to those in need. RLC members supply these needs by donating non-perishable food items as well as cash donations for perishables. Canned/boxed goods can be left in the fellowship hall at any time.
Good Samaritan Inn
Twice a month teams of volunteers prepare simple casseroles at home (recipes provided) which are returned to church to be delivered to a Christian homeless shelter, The Good Samaritan Inn. Because many hands make light work, each volunteer makes a casserole just 3-4 times a year.
Hearts of Service
At least once per year, volunteers pool their abilities to impact our community through acts of service such as yard work, minor house projects, (painting, repairs, etc.) visiting the home bound, and much more! Come share your talents and time with this neighborhood ministry!
Knit/Crochet Craft Group
Women, girls, and friends of RLC are welcome to join this casual group that meets the last Saturday of each month from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Fellowship and skill-sharing are their goals. Projects focus on creating items for those in need.
LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League)
Supports The Southeastern District’s missionary efforts locally, nationally, and overseas through quarterly regional meetings and “mite box” contributions.
Mobile Ministry
Teams of volunteers organize a community-engaging event in a cul-de-sec within the 2-mile radius around the church. Personal invitations are issued to Redeemer neighbors to come out on a Saturday morning to enjoy free food, crafts, games, and fellowship! These events take place once a month in April-September and are weather dependent.
Quilting Group
Each year RLC creates and distributes quilts to members who are in care with health issues, our Christmas Giving Tree families, our Child Development Center and to Lutheran World Relief. These quilts have gone to places as far away as West Africa and India where they are distributed to the destitute and those in crisis.
Screen on the Green
A free indoor/outdoor neighborhood dinner and movie night focused on strengthening relationships with previously engaged neighbors, as well as, connecting with many we have not yet had the pleasure of meeting. These events happen on various Saturday nights throughout the year.
Servant Event Mission Trip - Appalachia
Each summer, youth and parent chaperones join with members from other regional Lutheran churches by spending a week in Garrett County, MD doing service projects for families in an underprivileged rural area.
Thanksgiving Meals
RLC members prepare, donate or serve food for a Thanksgiving meal held annually at The Good Samaritan Inn at its Hull Street location.