After careful consideration of Governor Northam’s phased approach to re-opening state-wide operations, Redeemer Lutheran Church will resume on-site worship on Sunday, June 7th. Worship services will be held according to our normal schedule: 8:30am traditional service, and 11:00am contemporary service.
We recognize that returning to worship is a personal decision each of us needs to carefully consider based upon a variety of factors. Some people are ready and anxious to return; others need a little more time; still others don’t feel they will be ready for a while yet. And that’s ok.
For those who are considering a return to worship at this time, rest assured that we will implement steps to keep worshippers, staff, and volunteers safe. Here is a list of what you can expect when you come to worship during Phase I:
- Social distancing restrictions will be maintained. Families can sit together, but family groups must sit at least six feet from each other (every other pew), and will not have personal contact with others.
- The sanctuary attendance will be capped at 220 people, with overflow in the fellowship hall (we are taking steps to simulcast the service in the FH).
- Worshippers will wear masks. If you have a mask, please wear it to worship; if not, some masks will be provided.
- Attendees should visit the hand sanitizer stations upon entering AND exiting the building. Stations will be located at each entrance.
- Volunteers will wear masks and gloves.
- The worship service itself will be an abbreviated service without congregational singing and, for the time-being, without communion.
- The service liturgy will be displayed on-screen only. There will not be a bulletin. Hymnals and Bibles will be removed from the pew racks.
- There will be NO nursery, children’s church, children’s sermon, or Sunday School until further notice.
- For families with children: the playground and the children’s ministry area (CDC rooms) will be off limits until further notice.
- Offerings can be placed in the offering plates at the sanctuary doors. We will not pass the offering plates down the pews. Please consider contributing through your bank’s on-line bill-pay tool, Redeemer’s website, or the Cash App (search for $RedeemerRichmond).
- Dismissal will occur by row to avoid overcrowding in the narthex.
- While we recognize many will want to socialize, we ask everyone to depart immediately after the service.
- After each service, a team of people will clean the pews, doors, and railings.
If you are feeling ill, or if you are in an at-risk category, please do not attend on-site worship.
For those who are not ready to return to on-site worship, we will still provide a Sunday morning worship experience for you on Facebook and our website. We are taking steps to live-stream the Sunday morning worship. To make sure we stay connected to each other, the COVID-29 call team will continue to check in with our members.
When the COVID-19 shutdown began, we had hoped that the return to worship would offer us the chance to celebrate Holy Week and Easter Sunday. At this time, we recognize that it would be prudent to take a more-gradual approach to re-starting worship, with the hope that we will be able to have a grand celebration later in the summer or fall.
Here is more detail about Redeemer’s re-start plan:
RLC Department |
VA Phase I: Begins 5/15 and may last 2 – 4 weeks |
Opens 6/1 with limited enrollment according to VA guidelines and new, COVID-19 CDC policies and procedures. For more information, contact Kathy Bakken. |
Operations |
Office fully open 6/8 |
Community Engagement |
Food Distribution program will continue for the near future June/July CE events will abide by VA guidelines |
Meetings & Rehearsals |
No rehearsals of more than 5 people Meetings via Zoom |
Education |
No on-site Sunday School & Adult Ed Some classes will begin via Zoom FaithLab will occur via Facebook Live |
Worship |
Begins on-campus 6/7 according to VA guidelines |
We will continue to monitor Governor Northam’s instructions as we prepare to transition to Phase II. At the appropriate time, we’ll update you with further information about Redeemer’s ministry.
Thank you for your continued faithfulness to our Lord and our Church.
God’s richest peace and blessing be with you all.
Pastor Bean